About Me

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Kumaran aka Special K is an experienced conspiracy theorist and a top of the range Bullshitter. Many a civilian has fallen knee deep in his bullshit and have failed to see the funny side. Inspired by some of the great bullshitters of his time, G. Bush, T. Blair and Didier “it was a legit foul” Drogba, Kumaran worked in local politics for several years by becoming Village Idiot in September 1999. He subsequently resigned the post in September 2008 when he became this blog. Kumaran hopes to become the first computer programme to have a mind of its own. (The irony being that Kumaran is a human and calling himself a computer programme is utter bullshit).

Monday 7 February 2011

Protests in Egypt? - Blame Santa.

Well Christmas has become quite tedious these days hasn't it? All we ever hear about it is that the pope is doing some sort of midnight weigh-in ready for boxing day, groups of tone deaf singers do their annual door to door busk and Turkey has been eaten. I'm getting on a bit now and to this day I just don't understand how anyone can eat a country? I just think it's probably America’s new innovative weapon they discovered a few weeks back or something.

That play, where that baby is born? The nativity scene, it really is wrong. I mean, first of all, a play about a baby being born should be called maternity play? And WHY hasn't anyone realised its virgin Atlantic not Virgin Mary! Disaster.

I know I know, I sound a bit of a scrooge but, I do like the idea of presents. Receiving them anyway, hate giving.

As you may have realised from my lack blogging and this disastrously late publishing of the Christmas blog, is that all is not well in the world of Raven. Yes, that's right I have succumbed to the dreaded 'writer's block'. My doctor tries to reassure me that the world is boring and there is nothing to talk about. I didn't buy his argument and blamed NHS cuts for his inability to write me out a prescription. Mind you, it has been over a year since I last published and much has happened since.

Much like Christmas, the television has got gradually worse, it took BOTH the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives to remove the great Scot from number 10 and Prince Clegg of Lib Demistan has broken his promises. The student protests were a laugh it has to be said. Not sure how throwing a fire extinguisher off the top of conservative HQ into a crowd of, what can only be described as, other students, acts as a deterrent to the government in increasing fees.

Talking of protests, interesting week unfolding in Egypt. Just saw some protest footage on the news and downtown Cairo looks like someone has bombed lidl on a Friday night (when the youths from the local council estate go out to buy cheap booze). Mind you, for all I know, the protest is probably about the state of Lidl’s suspicious looking “Christmas Turkeys” with tinsel and mistletoe growing out of them.

The protests there seem to synchronise with the majority of the peoples' thinking in the Middle East. I wouldn't be surprised if other countries from the Middle East, like England for example, follow suit. Chairman Obama is hoping for a quick resolution but power hungry leaders will do anything to hold onto power for as long as possible. But why is there so much unrest in the sacred land of the pharaohs and the holy lands of the Middle East? A, now formerly, reliable source told me that the economy is taking its toll on capitalism and people want something done so they can lead better lives. I reassured this 'source' that if capitalism was in trouble, Microsoft will release an 'emergency update' to its Microsoft Word spell check software. It's no biggy surely? Maybe Microsoft has been slow to release an update and the protests are asking for Bill Gates to return to the helm of Microsoft?

It really makes you wonder what is actually going wrong (or right, if you want to save time) with the world then? Are they missing a certain Scottish prime minister? Is the world disappointed at the UK university fee rises? Could Bill Gates' decision to reduce his Microsoft activities in favour of more charity be the cause? Or maybe it's the fact British airports can't stay open in any weather other than bright sunshine?

The answer to all is a resounding, no. They just haven't been given their Christmas presents.


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